Nation and Race

Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture is a book edited by Jeffrey Kaplan and Tore Bjørgo. It collects the papers of an international conference held in New Orleans, from December 8, 1995 to December 11, 1995.

It was published by Northeastern University Press in 1998 as a 273-page paperback (ISBN 1-55553-331-0) and hardcover (ISBN 1-55553-332-9).


  1. An Overview of Right-Wing Extremism in the Western World: A Study of Convergence, Linkage, and Identity; by Leonard Weinberg
  2. The World Union of National Socialists and Postwar Transatlantic Nazi Revival; by Frederick J. Simonelli
  3. Conspiracy Theories as Stigmatized Knowledge: The Basis for a New Age Racism?; by Michael Barkun
  4. Racism on the Internet: Mapping Neo-Fascist Subcultures in Cyberspace; by Les Back, Michael Keith, and John Solomos
  5. Religiosity and the Radical Right: Toward the Creation of a New Ethnic Identity; by Jeffrey Kaplan
  6. White power rock 'n' Roll: A Growing Industry; by Heléne Lööw
  7. Hitler's Grandchildren?: The Reemergence of a Right-Wing Social Movement in Germany; by Wolfgang Kühnel
  8. The Emergence of Postcommunist Youth Identities in Eastern Europe: From Communist Youth, to Skinheads, to National Socialists and Beyond; by Lászlo Kürti
  9. Living Out Our Ethnic Instincts: Ideological Beliefs Among Right-Wing Activists in Norway; by Katrine Fangen
  10. Entry, Bridge-Burning and Exit Options: What Happens to Young People Who Join Racist Groups—and Want to Leave?; by Tore Bjørgo.

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